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Зарегистрирован: 04 ноя 2012, 21:16
Сообщений: 1520
Откуда: MO, Krasnogorsk
Команда: 22 SAS Regiment D Squadron
Данные отсюда: http://www.thegunzone.com/556dw-8.html
И далее по годам.

The Sterling SAR80 is dropped from British military consideration.

Phase A of British Ordnance Board Trials begins for the XL70E3 IW (Left-hand: XL78E1) and XL73E2 LSW. These models are improved versions of the so-called "Production Rifles" with the exception of being chambered for 5.56mm. However, these are barreled for original M193-specification ammo, not the new SS109 NATO standard. In addition, the gas system is revamped, the extractor has been redesigned, and the tungsten inertia pellet has been deleted from the bolt carrier. The latter change was forced by the decision to add a third guide rod to the recoil spring assembly. While it has been decided to ignore the left-hand variant of the LSW, both open-bolt and closed bolt variants of the LSW are now available.

The British ITDU draws up a trials plan for testing of the IW/LSW. In addition, they investigate alternate secondary sights for the weapon.

The British ITDU ends User Trials of the XL70E3 IW.

The British ITDU investigate the ability of left-handed users to adapt to right-hand only models of the IW and LSW.

The British ITDU publishes the results of the IW User Trials. The MRBS is a disappointing 182.

The British ITDU begins User Trials of the XL73E2 LSW.

The British Secretary of State for Defence announces the Government's intent to solicit bids for the privatization of the Royal Ordnance Factories.

Phase A of British Ordnance Board Trials ends for the IW/LSW. Several bolt carriers have cracked and fractured during testing, with as low as 287 rounds fired. During cold chamber testing, one IW barrel splits lengthwise from the chamber to the gas port. Reliability is also quite disappointing. The IW turns in a MRBS of 175, the open bolt LSW tallies 339 MRBS, and the closed bolt LSW turns in a more respectable 1,356 MRBS. The Ordnance Board plays fast and loose with the figures, counting only the most severe stoppages/failures (those unable to be cleared or fixed by the user) for only the endurance phase of testing. By doing so, they exactly achieve the 2,500 MRBF for the IW required by GSR 3518. However, no amount of refiguring can push the LSW anywhere close to its 8,000 MRBF requirement with the open bolt LSW posting 2,713 MRBF and the closed bolt LSW tallying 4,746 MRBF.

The British ITDU evaluates Tascorama and Ring Sight optics as possible SA80 secondary sights.

Phase B of British Ordnance Board Trials begins for the XL70E3 IW and the XL73E2 LSW. The LSW is now configured for closed-bolt firing only. The weapons have been fitted with 1-7" twist barrels and the test ammunition is NATO spec.

The British ITDU publishes a report on Radway Green-manufactured magazines for the SA80.

The British ITDU publishes the report "The Final Evaluation of Small Arms for the 80s to meet GSR 3518." Of interest is the statement:
"During all activities the IW proved itself to be a robust, reliable weapon that suffered from few stoppages... The modifications that had been incorporated were, in the main, very successful and the majority of the problems previously noted have now been overcome. There are still a few points that require attention but these are all minor...."

The British approve Radway Green's SS109 equivalent as the Cartridge, Ball, L2A1. The L1A1 Tracer and L5A1 Drill Cartridges are also approved.

Pre-Acceptance and Provisional Acceptance Meetings are held to determine whether the SA80 IW/LSW are ready for service introduction. British manufactured 5.56mm NATO Ball and Tracer ammunition is given full approval. Limited approval is given to the IW, SUSAT, Colt-manufactured magazines, the armorer's tool kit, and the bayonet with its multi-purpose scabbard. However, acceptance is deferred for the LSW due to its lack of burst fire accuracy. Comparative trials with foreign LSW alternatives are approved.

Phase B of British Ordnance Board Trials ends for the IW/LSW. The performance is even worse than the Phase A results. The IW turns in 106 MRBS and the LSW dramatically falls to 116 MRBS. However, the creative accounting continues. With only the most severe stoppages/failures counted during the endurance phase alone, the IW posts a 4,035 MRBF. Under the same method, the LSW falls to 1,984 MRBF. The "split-burst" phenomenon also rears its head for the LSW. While the first round in a burst will hit near the point of aim, the remainder of the burst will group elsewhere. A separate meeting is held to review the LSW accuracy issue.

The British ITDU begins LSW Comparative Weapon Trials. The LSW is pitted against the FN Minimi, HK 13, and Steyr AUG-HBAR. The L4A4 LMG and L7A2 GPMG are used as controls. The LSWs used have been modified with a pistol grip near the butt, and a swing-up shoulder support.

The British ITDU ends LSW Comparative Weapon Trials. The LSW fails the semi-auto accuracy standard, still produces split groups, yet manages to pass the revised standard for full-auto group size. Reliability is still deemed to be poor, and the new shoulder support is considered useless as it is mounted too high to actually contact the shoulder. The foreign competitors are all considered to be more robust and reliable; however, each possesses their own deficiencies. The FN Minimi produces excessive sized burst groups, the HK 13 produces split groups in full-auto fire, and the Steyr AUG-HBAR fails to meet the semi-auto accuracy standard. While the Steyr is the favorite of the trials staff, its use of a non-standard magazine makes it unacceptable as a LSW replacement.
As a result of the trials, a new version of the LSW is created, the XL73E3. The main difference is the introduction of a full-length receiver extension, which places the bipod under the muzzle.

The British finally give provisional acceptance to the Enfield LSW.

The British ITDU begins hot weather trials of the SA80 family.

The British ITDU ends hot weather trials of the SA80 family.

Britain's Royal Ordnance Factories are privatized, albeit the MOD controls 100 percent of the shares.

The XL85E1 IW and XL86E1 LSW appear on the scene. The differences in the new build standard fall mainly in tolerances between the receiver and bolt carrier, and the fabrication of the magazine well housing. In addition, the twin ejectors have been replaced by a single unit.

The British L1A1 Blank enters service.

The British ITDU begins trials to determine the compatibility of the S10 Respirator with use of the SA80 family.

The British ITDU ends trials to determine the compatibility of the S10 Respirator with use of the SA80 family.

Phase C of British Ordnance Board Trials begins for the XL85E1 IW and the XL86E1 LSW.

The British ITDU begins LSW reliability trials.

The British ITDU ends LSW reliability trials.

The ITDU also evaluates a bracket to fit the IWS Night Sight to the LSW.

The British ITDU evaluates contenders for the CWS Night Sight, a replacement for the older IWS. (The adopted L14A2 CWS is known commercially as the Pilkington Kite Weapon Sight.)

L. James Sullivan, on behalf of Beta Co., files a patent application for a 100-round saddle drum magazine (better known as the C-Mag).

Firing trials begin in support of Phase C of British Ordnance Board Trials.

Firing trials are suspended for Phase C of British Ordnance Board Trials. Safety issues have arisen with the safety catch (plunger), firing pin, and hammer.

The British ITDU evaluates the Saco Defense .22 LR adaptor for the SA80. In addition, they test a modified wire-cutting bayonet.

The British Army issues their first L85A1 IW and L86A1 LSW.

British Royal Marines training in Norway experience a variety of problems with the L85A1 during troop trials. Besides functioning issues, at least one L85A1 discharges when dropped. The rifles are recalled to replace the trigger and trigger spring. The recall/upgrade spans roughly three months.

Firing trials restart for Phase C of British Ordnance Board Trials.

The British discontinue work with the Saco .22 LR adaptor for the SA80.

The British ITDU evaluates the HK .22 LR adaptor for the SA80.

The British ITDU conducts endurance and reliability trials of SA80 .22 LR adaptors.

The British approve an improved version of L2A1 Ball as the Cartridge, Ball, L2A2.

The British MOD expresses interest in the Beta C-Mag for use with the SA80.

The British ITDU evaluates the SAWES Projector for the SA80. The SAWES unit is a laser training system, the British equivalent to MILES.

The British ITDU has a busy month. They investigate the effect on zero of different firing positions with the LSW. In addition, they evaluate an articulated recoil rod assembly for the SA80

British Aerospace (BAe) purchases Royal Ordnance (RO). The British MOD allows BAe to reconsider the recent L85/L86 contract.

The British ITDU test a bipod retaining clip for the LSW in an attempt to solve ongoing problems with the bipod swinging loose at inappropriate times.

The British ITDU investigates SA80 zero distribution and reassesses the need for a left-hand SA80 family.

The British ITDU evaluates a modified magazine release catch for the SA80.

Phase C of British Ordnance Board Trials ends for the IW/LSW. The performance is worse yet than the Phase B results. The IW turns in 69 MRBS and the LSW fails yet again to 48 MRBS. Still, the creative accounting continues unabated. With only the most severe stoppages/failures counted during the endurance phase alone, the IW posts a 28,442 MRBF. Under the same method, the LSW achieves 8,422 MRBF, finally surpassing the GSR 3518 requirement. However, this was helped along by the proposed issue of spare bolts and firing pins. While never actually issued, these parts would allow certain "critical" failures to be downgraded (and thus not counted) as the shooter would theoretically be able repair the weapon in the field.

British armorers receive an improved safety plunger for retrofit to the SA80. The previous model was prone to accidentally engage/disengage when dropped.

British armorers receive a magazine catch shroud for retrofit to the SA80. Intended to be glued in place, the shrouds are meant to prevent accidental release of the magazine.

The British ITDU publishes a summary of SUSAT trials ranging from 1975 to 1987.

The British ITDU begins testing of the "Low Tech Sound Suppressor" from List Precision Engineering. (Bert List was responsible for the integral suppressor designs of the De Lisle Carbine and the Sterling L34A1 SMG.)

The British begin Environmental User Trials for the SA80. Besides standard production L85A1 and L86A1, two different modification packages for the IW/LSW are tested. To complicate matters, the two alternative build standards are labeled A2 and A3, not to be confused with the recent HK-modified L85A2/L86A2. RSAF Enfield labels the prototype IW as XL85E2 and XL85E3, with the LSW as the XL86E2. Parts modified for the A2 and A3 include the following:
Magazine Catch
Trigger return spring
Safety plunger
Recoil spring
Gas plug
Gas port
Gas cylinder
Gas piston
Piston spring
Cocking handle
Ejection port dust cover
In addition, the A3 adds an extra recoil spring and uses a lightened bolt carrier.

The British end Environmental User Trials for the SA80. The new bolts prove to be problematic as several fail during use. Two break after a mere four rounds have been fired. The A2 standard is found to be the most reliable, but all of the rifles still show problems in dirty conditions.

The British hold additional Environmental User Trials for the SA80. As before, two different modification packages for the IW/LSW are tested. These are known as the XL85E3/XL86E3 and the XL86E4/XL86E4. Parts modified for the E3 and E4 include the following:
Ejector spring
Magazine housing insert
Interceptor sear
Pistol grip (E3 only)
Take-down pins
Safety plunger (E3: Plastic; E4: Aluminum)
Safety plunger spring
Trigger return spring
Butt plate assembly
Cam stud rail
Ejection port dust cover
Dust cover spring
Flash suppressor
Cheek pad
Recoil rod assembly and springs
Gas piston
Piston spring
Gas plug
Cocking handle
Receiver extension (LSW)
Bipod (LSW)

The British ITDU starts SA80 Cold/Dry Environmental Trials in Norway.

Beta Co. receives a L85A1 and L86A1 on loan from the British MOD for testing with the C-Mag.

The British ITDU ends SA80 Cold/Dry Environmental Trials in Norway.

British armorers receive a modified magazine catch for retrofit to the SA80. The new magazine catches have a reduced profile to prevent the accidental release of the magazine.

The British ITDU conducts SA80 Hot/Dry Environmental Trials.

The British ITDU conducts SA80 Hot/Wet Environmental Trials in Brunei.

The British ITDU restarts SA80 Hot/Dry Environmental Trials.

The British ITDU ends SA80 Hot/Dry Environmental Trials.

The British hold additional Environmental User Trials for the SA80. Only one modification package for the IW/LSW is tested. These are known as the XL85E5 and XL86E5. Parts modified for the E5 include the following:
Safety plunger
Hold open latch
Interceptor sear
Ejection port dust cover
Dust cover spring
Gas block
Gas plug

The British ITDU starts SA80 Cold Trials.

The British ITDU ends SA80 Cold Trials. The ITDU also tests a shroud for the SA80's magazine catch.

British armorers receive an improved hold open device for retrofit to the SA80.

The British ITDU restarts SA80 Hot/Dry Trials at Ascension Island.

The British MOD introduce a product improvement kit for the L85/L86 family. Changes include a redesigned trigger, cross bolt safety, and a number of other small parts, pins, and assemblies. (However, less than half of weapons will have been upgraded by 1993.)

The British ITDU ends SA80 Hot/Dry Trials at Ascension Island. The MRBS is 260. (Reportedly, the threshold figure was a mere 120 MRBS, with an objective figure of 240 MRBS.)

Beta Co. sends an interim report to the British MOD concerning the SA80 and the C-Mag. The MOD indicates that there is no formal requirement for a 100 round magazine, but agrees to loan an additional pair of weapons of the improved design.

British armorers receive an improved bipod lock for retrofit to the LSW. The new lock is to help prevent the accident release of the bipod legs from the folded position.

The British ITDU retests a shroud for the SA80's magazine catch and a bipod catch shroud for the LSW.

The British ITDU ends provisional assessment of a SCDRE modified sling for the SA80.

The British Infantry Sales Demonstration Team (ISDT) tests the DateStyle Muzzle Stabiliser with the L1A1 SLR and the SA80 family. The device works as advertised in reducing group size during automatic fire. Oddly enough, it also appears to reduce the number of stoppages suffered by the SA80.

The British ITDU publishes the LANDSET report. The Land Systems Evaluation Team had interviewed soldiers from three Armoured Infantry battalions involved in combat during Operation Granby (Gulf War). The results were not favorable for the SA80 system. Troops lacked confidence in their rifles and most expected stoppages to occur as early as the first magazine. In a throwback to the dark days of 1967 and the XM16E1, some troops had even taped assembled cleaning rods to their rifles to use as ramrods for clearing cases jammed within the chamber. In addition, the tips of firing pins were prone to breakage (as were bayonets). Colt M16 magazines were preferred over Radway Green magazines.

The British ITDU begins trials of a modified sling swivel for the LSW.

The British ITDU ends trials of a modified sling swivel for the LSW.

The British House of Commons forms a Defence Select Committee to investigate the poor performance history of the SA80.

The British L1A2 Blank enters service.

British armorers receive an improved interceptor sear, improved take-down pins, and yet another improved safety plunger and spring for retrofit to the SA80. The previous interceptor sear could fail to release, and block the trigger from resetting. The earlier pins were prone to either falling out or being too difficult to remove, causing permanent damage to the lower receiver. The previous safety plunger, made of plastic, was prone to breakage. It would also swell when wet, causing the safety to jam in place.

The British ITDU begins trials of modified bipod feet for the LSW.

The British ITDU tests the effect of a stronger trigger return spring on the accuracy and consistency of the SA80.

British armorers receive shake-proof washers for retrofit to the SA80's SUSAT. Windage zeroing screws were prone to losing their lock nuts, and then the SUSAT would be prone to lose its zero.

British Army Colonel R.H. Forsyth, Project Manager Infantry Weapons, informs DateStyle that:
"...we have no requirement for improved accuracy (for the SA80) as offered by your muzzle compensator."

After the British MOD reconsiders its requirement for a higher capacity magazine for the SA80, Beta Co. submits an additional report and forwards six C-Mags for evaluation.

British armorers receive an improved buttplate and a redesigned trigger for retrofit to the SA80. The new buttplate are reinforced with a steel strip to prevent the plates from being torn off of their mounting screws during use. The LSW version also has a redesigned shoulder support, with the pivot point lowered to allow for solid contact with the user's shoulder. The third model trigger has a V-shaped rear edge to prevent foreign material being trapped between the trigger and trigger guard, causing a failure to fire. (This was commonplace with the second model trigger.)

British armorers receive an improved magazine catch shroud for retrofit to the SA80. This model will be spot welded in place, instead of merely glued.

The British ITDU conducts trials comparing the accuracy of the LSW with and without a VAMS compensator installed.

The British ITDU publishes a summary of IW and LSW trials running from 1976 to 1993.

The British ITDU begins user trials of the Beta C-Mag with the LSW.

British armorers are instructed to remove material from the LSW bipod's feet due to interference with the bipod lock. Armorers are also instructed to reposition the cotter pin which secures the trigger rod to the trigger. It was possible for the pin to contact the safety catch and prevent the trigger from being pulled.

The British ITDU ends user trials of the Beta C-Mag with the LSW. They discover persistent feeding problems with the final 15 rounds in the magazine. Beta Co. blames the British ammunition, which develops lower port pressures than US made cartridges loaded with ball powder. Without a change in ammunition, Beta Co. offers a special C-Mag variant, which holds only 86 rounds. (Author's note: I guess that would make it a LXXXVI-Mag instead.)

British armorers are instructed to remove material from the SA80's bolt face around the ejector's opening. This is to prevent brass build-up which could jam the ejector in place.

The British Commons Defence Select Committee releases the report on their investigation of the poor performance history of the SA80.

British armorers receive an improved wire cutter to retrofit to the SA80's bayonet scabbard.

British armorers receive an improved bipod axis screw for retrofit to the LSW. The original screw was prone to loosen and allow the bipod to fall off of the weapon.

The British ITDU conducts trials concerning a bayonet catch, a modified bayonet, pintle mounts for the LSW, and additional user assessments of the Beta C-Mag.

British armorers receive an improved flash eliminator spring for retrofit to the SA80. The new spring is to help prevent the bayonet or a rifle grenade from falling off of the muzzle.

The British L14A1 Drill Cartridge enters service.

The British ITDU conducts User Reliability Trials of a modified gas system for the SA80.

The British ITDU starts SA80 Hot/Dry Reliability Trials.

The British ITDU ends SA80 Hot/Dry Reliability Trials.

The British ITDU conducts additional trials of a modified gas system for the SA80.

The L85A1 and L86A1 are withdrawn from NATO's Nominated Weapon List.
British researchers begin work on the experimental L85A1 Electronic Individual Weapon (EIW) program. Certain mechanical parts (hammer, sear, firing pin, etc.) are replaced with an electronic fire control system to modify cyclic rate and burst length. Even the ammunition uses electrically ignited primers. Live-fire testing centers around cyclic rates of 300, 450, and 700 rounds per minute. The 300rpm rate provides the most benefits, increasing hits by 19 percent and decreasing full-auto groups by 30 percent.

British armorers receive improved washers for retrofit to the SUSAT's windage screws. The new washers are less likely to rust.

British researchers continue the Electronic Individual Weapon (EIW) program. EIW technology is included in the British equivalent to the US Land Warrior system: Future Integrated Soldier Technology (FIST). Samples of the L86A1 LSW are also converted to create the ELSW.

The British ITDU publishes an investigation of the LSW Trails ranging from 1981 to 1996. The author indicates that the recommendations and conclusions from the earlier trials reports did not match the data collected. Moreover, outside factors appear to have influenced decision making.

British armorers receive improved cocking handle slides for retrofit to the L98A1 Cadet Rifle.

The British MOD receives the final Design Reliability Report concerning the performance of HK's modified L85A1/L86A1.

Diemaco's C8A1-SFW (Special Forces Weapon) beats out the HK G36 and SIG SG551 for a British Special Forces contract worth $5 million. The weapon receives the designation L119A1.

The British MOD issues a solicitation for a PDW with a projected order of 15,000 units. The goal is for a weapon less than 500mm in length, with a loaded weight of no more than 3 kg, and the ability to defeat CRISAT (20 layers of Kevlar and a 1.6mm titanium trauma plate) protected targets out to a range of 150 meters.

A British Army report is leaked listing a variety of shortcomings in British military equipment during their deployment to Kosovo. Among the criticisms is that some units had to swap out non-functioning L85A1 and L86A1 rifles for other weapons from nondeployed units. At least one unit dumps the L86A1 altogether.

After criticism of the weapon's performance in Kosovo, the British Army's Director of Infantry recommends the immediate replacement of the L86A1 LSW with a new LMG. Further criticism is leveled when it is reported that at least two British paratroopers were unable to return hostile fire in Sierra Leone due to jammed safety catches on their SA80.

British Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon asks BAe to reexamine whether the SA80 upgrade can be done at their Nottingham facility rather than at HK in Germany. The issue is particularly sensitive as the Nottingham facility is slated for closure next year due to a lack of work.

British Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon reaffirms the decision to allow the SA80 upgrade work to be performed by HK in Germany rather than at the BAe/RO facility at Nottingham.

The British Army conducts In-Service Reliability Trials (ISRT) with production-standard L85A2 IW and L86A2 LSW in Alaska, Brunei and Kuwait. During each trial, IWs fired 31,500 rounds in 210 "battlefield missions" devised by the School of Infantry, and the LSWs fired 96,000 rounds in 100 missions. Each rifle was required to fire 50 rounds in eight minutes and 40 seconds, and each LSW fired 960 rounds in 36 minutes. Reliability targets were set at 95 percent for the IW and 70 percent for the LSW, although during the ISRT the latter averaged 90 percent reliability. Comparing the SA80A1 with the production SA80A2 in different conditions, the Mean Rounds Between Failure (MRBF) rates for the IW are:
Phase L85A1 L85A2 L86A1 L86A2
Cold/dry (Alaska) 320 31,500 300 43,200
Temperate (UK) 954 31,500+ 58 16,000
Hot/wet (Brunei) 276 31,500+ 288 9,600
Hot/dry (Kuwait) 99 7,875 215 8,728
Average MRBF 412 25,200 215 12,897

The British MOD purchases 149 FN Minimi Para (L110A1) for issue to troops in Afghanistan. This number is later increased to 300. LSW Comparative Trials are restarted. The competitors include the L86A2, FN Minimi, HK MG43, IMI Negev, and Vektor Mini-SS.

HK introduces a variant of their 40mm AG36 underbarrel grenade launcher for the L85-series. Once adopted, it is known as the L17A2 in British service. (The L17A1 is used on the SAS' Diemaco C8-SFW, or L119A1.)

The British MOD purchases an additional 700 FN Minimi Para (L110A1) prior to the invasion of Iraq. The MOD also purchases 600 L17A2 grenade launchers from HK.

The British announce the adoption of the FN Minimi Para (L110A1) to replace many of its L86A2 LSW. The remaining LSW will be used as a role similar to a Designated Marksman's Rifle. Sources indicate that 2,472 weapons will be purchased, worth approximately £7.5 million ($12.3 million).

The British MOD announces that 1,412 SA80KA2 carbines will be purchased for issue to the Royal Armored Corps. Two to four carbines will be issued per armored vehicle. The carbines, roughly an improved version of the 1988 model, will be constructed using surplus LSW. These are ultimately designated the L22A2.

The British announce that their L85A2 IW and L86A2 LSW will require retrofitting with a new safety catch and spring. Troops in Iraq have encountered instances, in which they have disengaged their rifle's safety, only to find that their rifle will not fire.

The British MOD places a £13 million order for 1,500 FN Minimi Para and night vision accessories. (L110A2)

The British MOD announces the purchase of more than 1,500 HK MP7 for the MOD Police, who provide armed security for military installations across the UK. The MP7 will replace the 9mm L9A1 pistol and the L85A1 rifle. The contract is worth approximately £3.4 million.

The British MOD begin negotiations to replace the SUSAT sight with a commercial model yet to be determined. The Trijicon TA31RCO ACOG is said to be on the short list.

The British MOD's Combat Support Equipment Integrated Project Team (CSE IPT) issues a solicitation for railed handguards and vertical foregrip/bipods for the L85A2 to fill an Urgent Operational Requirement. The minimum quantity is 8,000 of each item with the possibility of 15,000 more added later.

The British MOD awards contracts for railed handguards and vertical foregrip/bipods for the L85A2. While the contracts are awarded to British firms, the actual items selected are reportedly from Daniel Defense and Grip Pod respectively.

The British MOD issues a solicitation for flash hiders to fit to its SA80A2 family, 15,738 for the L85A2 rifle and 886 for the L86A2 LSW. A single solution to be fitted to both weapons is preferred, but bids offering a separate solution for each weapon will be considered. The flash hider should: eliminate the visual signature of the weapon at night; have a dark, matte, corrosion-resistant finish; allow the current in-service muzzle cover to be used (if not an alternative muzzle cover should be provided); weigh no more than 100g (the weight of the current flash hider); be of comparable physical robustness to the current model; be capable of being fitted to the current barrel without alterations; not interfere with the mounting and use of the Underslung Grenade Launcher (UGL); be capable of being fitted in less than five minutes by an unit armorer; be compatible with the current in-service bayonet, ideally including the LSW as well; and ideally be compatible with the current Safe Blank Firing System (SBFS) without risk of long-term damage or degradation to the SBFS.

Live hard, die young, make a good-looking corpse.

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СообщениеДобавлено: 04 июн 2017, 15:34 
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Зарегистрирован: 04 ноя 2012, 21:16
Сообщений: 1520
Откуда: MO, Krasnogorsk
Команда: 22 SAS Regiment D Squadron
Думаю сюда будет в тему, не хочу отдельную ветку делать.
История разработки SA80. На английском.

British EM-2 rifle

SA80 History: The First L85 Mockups (Sterling and Stoner)

SA80 History: XL60 Series in 4.85mm

SA80 History: XL70 Series Final Prototypes (Individual Weapon and LSW)

SA80 History: The Pre-Production XL85 and XL86

Enfield L85A1: Perhaps the Worst Modern Military Rifle

SA80 History: L85 A1 vs A2 (and the coming A3)

SA80 History: L22A2 and Experimental L85 Carbines

SA80 History: L98A1 Cadet Manually-Operated Rifle

SA80 History: Underbarrel Grenade Launchers

Live hard, die young, make a good-looking corpse.

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СообщениеДобавлено: 05 июн 2017, 05:23 

Зарегистрирован: 25 янв 2015, 15:12
Сообщений: 588
Команда: Нет
К слову сказать, так и не понял до конца, чем модификация А3 отличается от А2.

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СообщениеДобавлено: 05 июн 2017, 10:53 
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Зарегистрирован: 04 ноя 2012, 21:16
Сообщений: 1520
Откуда: MO, Krasnogorsk
Команда: 22 SAS Regiment D Squadron
На видео говорится только о ресивере с обозначением A3, и его отличиями от существующего А2. В конце 2016 появились фотки прототипа L85A3, до сих пор пока не принятого на вооружение
http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2016 ... ed-public/

Кстати не стоит путать L85A3 и L85A2 TES (современная версия L85A2 с цевьем от DD и щелевым пламегасителем), а то их часто путали когда появились первые прототипы L85A2 с RIS в рамках программы FIST. http://ukarmedforcescommentary.blogspot ... ality.html

Live hard, die young, make a good-looking corpse.

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